Saturday, February 24, 2007

What not to do when looking for an agent

Now Playing: Past the Mission - Tori Amos

So I learned a valuable lesson this week. (Well, two, but I'll save the other for a different post.) Apparently, if you're going to query an agent, make sure you have the book completed first.

Yes, I know it sounds pretty bloody obvious when you read it, but I never really thought of it as a hard and fast rule. I submitted a synopsis to the Nelson Literary Agency last year and in September they asked for the first three chapters. But Real Life (TM) intervened in the form of a new job and a new house, and I only got round to polishing up the chapters last month. I always kind of intended to start writing the full book in September, but as I said, real life has a habit of taking the best laid plans and throwing them out the window while laughing mockingly at you.

Last week, Agent Kristin emailed me saying she loved the first three chapters and could she please have the whole book pretty please.


I wrote back apologizing for my appalling lack of knowledge of the field I want to make a living in and she was very nice, telling me to send it in when it's ready with a covering letter explaining my naughtiness.

So. Take a lesson folks. If you're querying an agent, make sure you have the book finished. It doesn't matter if you think the agent probably won't even ask for the full manuscript. Just have it finished.


Jeff LaSala said...

Naughty naughty. (Yeah, like I would have known myself.) Thanks for the fair warning. Can't wait until this someday applies.

Incidentally, it is my firm opinion Little Earthquakes outshines her other albums by far. "Past the Mission," and some of the others on Under the Pink, aren't too bad.

Marsheila (Marcy) Rockwell said...

Ooooh, she even mentioned you in her blog! Well, not by name, of course, but who else could it be? ;)


Paul Crilley said...

I know. How embarrassing is that?

Jeff LaSala said...

Who? The agent or Tori Amos? :)