Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Loose ends

I'm currently doing a final sweep through the book, incorporating some comments Marcy made in beta reading. So haven't got much to add right now.

In the meantime, have a picture of my daughter, just because I think she's the most gorgeous little creature I've ever laid eyes on. (Not that I'm biased or anything.)


Marsheila (Marcy) Rockwell said...

Awww, she's adorable! You're going to be fightng off the boys with a stick in a few years!

Paul Crilley said...

No, no Marcy. It's fine. See, what happens is, as soon as she hits the teenage years I send her off to a nunnery for five or six years. Sorted. ;-)

Seriously, though. I am dreading it.

Jeff LaSala said...

Cute kid! Thanks for sharing, Paul. See, until now I didn't even know you had a daughter. Marcy, you ought to start posting occassional pictures on your weblog, too! Be like Paul. :)

Marsheila (Marcy) Rockwell said...

I would if I could figure out how to do it, heh.

And, Paul, my SIL just joined a convent...they're kind of serious about you staying there once you enter, so you might want to rethink that plan. ;)