Tuesday, June 05, 2007

An unforgivable omission

With the upcoming release of the wonderful Legacy of Wolves, by Marsheila Rockwell, (It really is wonderful. I was one of the beta readers), I thought I’d take the opportunity to make amends for a rather unforgivable lapse on my part.

When I got the copyedits on Night of the Long Shadows, it was a week or so before the Christmas holidays. I wasn’t required to hand them in before the holidays started, but I wanted to try, seeing as we’d just moved house and there was a lot of stuff that needed doing, and I didn’t want to be distracted by going through copyedits. So I decided to try and get them done before the holidays. Not a problem. First thing I did was write the dedications, as I’d been wrestling with the wording for ages, and still didn’t quite know how to say what I wanted to say. (Hey, it was my first book. It had to be special.) I got that taken care of and thought, “Great. Now on to the actual copyedits. I’ll come back once I’ve done and write the acknowledgments.

So I finished the copyedits on, I think, the day before the holidays started and sent off the book, totally forgetting about the acknowledgments. I felt really crap about that when the book came out, so I thought I’d try and make up for it here, although I know it’s not the same thing.

Anyway, many, many thanks to fellow Eberron authors Jeff LaSala and Marcy Rockwell for being kind enough to beta read and offer numerous helpful insights and grammar corrections. I really do appreciate it. And thanks to Ed Bolme as well as Marcy and Jeff for all the cross-promotion we managed to squeeze into the text

Plus a shout out to Mark Sehestedt. A better editor I couldn’t have asked for. Someone who let me tell the story I wanted to tell and didn’t try and force me into anything I didn’t want to do. Whose suggestions, when they came, were spot on and really made the book a better read. Cheers.


Jeff LaSala said...

Thanks, Paul. I understand all that!

I think you have to sort of work to get people to come to your weblog. Be active and tell people about it. It's not perfect, as I only really get a handful of commenters, but what are you gonna do? Just give it time.

I, for one, come to your weblog now and again. Of course, you don't post here yourself very open. What up with that???

Paul Crilley said...

Yeah, I'm kinda lazy that way. :-/ I should post more often.

Marsheila (Marcy) Rockwell said...

Don't sweat it, Paul. You can give us shout-outs in the next book. ;)

(And thanks for the kind words about my book. i'm getting really nervous now that it's about to be released - I hope everyone likes it as much as you did!)

Keith W. Cunningham said...


Out of curiousity. Did that character make it in?