Saturday, September 02, 2006

Brain Freeze

I seem to be going through a brain freeze.

Ever since I finished up the Eberron book, my mind has been flitting about like a butterfly on speed. I can't focus on anything for any length of time, emails lie unanswered in my inbox, not because of laziness, but because I forget they are there. (Mental note. Answer emails.)

I wanted to get stuck in to my original fantasy novel, but I don't want to get involved with that when I'm going to have to do revisions for the Eberron book soon.

I've slowly started to come out of it in the past couple of days though. And that's because I have no option but to do some work. A quite well known agent I queried with my YA novel idea has asked to see the first 30 pages. Unfortunately, I haven't written the first thirty pages. The idea exists as a 6000 word short story. So now I have to eviscerate it and plot out the first chapter. It's good, because it's forcing my brain to work again, and the glazed look seems to be disappearing from my eyes.

1 comment:

Marsheila (Marcy) Rockwell said...

I know exactly how you feel, Paul! I want to write something long, but I'm afraid to get involved in another book, because I know the Eberron revisions are just around the corner. So I'm just catching up on my to-be-read pile for now, hoping my brain will settle back into writing mode soon.

Congrats and good luck on the YA book!