Tuesday, October 24, 2006


As you can see, the blog has changed look again. I've migrated over to Blogger Beta and it gives me some new shiny toys to play with, not least of which is to change template without losing all your modifications.

I received comments from my editor on the Eberron book. Nothing too drastic. Just a tweak here and there, really. Except for one problem that I'm not sure I agree with. I'll think on it and see how I feel once I get to the chapter.

Now I've just got to find the time to incorporate the changes.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Another Sale

I just sold the short story "Tears of Gold" to the DAW anthology Something Magic This Way Comes. It's my ninth pro short story sale to date, so I'm starting to develop quite a cool little portfolio.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The light - it burns!

One or two of you (hi Marcy) may have noticed I've stuck a picture of myself up on the blog. I've never bothered with this before as any photographs taken of me usually show someone else entirely. i.e. someone who smiles like an idiot, or seems to blink all the time, or just generally looks like a complete, drooling imbecile. And that's not who I am. Honest. Well, sometimes, but it usually take half a bottle of single malt.

So why the change? Well, Caroline and I worked on a tv show this year that is now in post-production and they decided it would be nice for the writers to get their faces on TV instead of the usual practice of zipping our names up the screen faster than a very fast person can blink.

Now, I'm not a vain person (keep it down back there) but I sort of figured that if my picture is going to be seen by a million and a half people every week for three months, then I should at least make the effort. Urgh.

I'll admit it. It took a few attempts on the digital camera (what did we ever do without them?) to get one that made me look halfway normal. So I thought I may as well use it on the blog as well. And in case you're curious, my naturally photogenic better half only took a couple of attempts until she declared herself happy. See below for the result

Monday, October 02, 2006

Under Cover 2

I just realized that I could have simply posted the cover art here. Doh.

Under Cover of Darkness

The cover for the anthology "Under Cover of Darkness" is up at Amazon. My short story, "The Invisible Order" is going to be in it.

Nice artwork.