Haven't been blogging much lately. Staring down at the climax to the Eberron book and hoping to get it finished in a week. As long as nothing unexpected pops up, I should manage.
One of the things I've discovered about myself while writing the book is that I'm one of those writers that can't jump ahead. I have to write in sequence. This is a bad thing, because it means the slightest bump in the road can stop the flow of words – trying to find a name for a minor character, for instance. Or, as happened on Monday, I had my main character strung up by the wrists with a rope thrown over a rafter and he was about to get attacked by someone with a cutthroat razor.
And I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get him down. It was such a stupid corner to write myself into, and no matter how hard I thought about it, I couldn't come up with a plan for him to escape. I ended up leaving it and doing some rewriting of previous chapters, so the day wasn't a complete loss.
But if was one of those writers who could just skip ahead, it would make it so much easier.